Rare and Unusual Houseplants
Staghorn FernThe staghorn fern is epiphytic, meaning it grows on the surface of a plant/wood and gets its nutrients from air or water. They can also retrieve nutrients from plant debris, my husband calls them a compost plant. They need low to medium light and to be kept moist if grown outdoors (move inside during the winter months). Indoor place them in indirect light.
Red Flash CaladiumThe largest of the caladiums, growning to 18". The leaf is vibrant red with green edges. In our house, it tends to light lots of indirect light. The direct sun burns the leaves. They like to be watered regularly. Perennials in zones 8-10
Colder climates get to enjoy the show inside their homes. |
Rabbits Foot FernThe Rabbit's Foot Fern is another epiphytic plant that has roots that resemble an orchids roots, except hairy. The fronds are delicate and grow from the rhizomes. They like humus soil that is constantly wet or humid with indirect light.
Elephant EarLarge, tropical foliage that resembles a large elephant's ear. They are a showpiece in any home. They can be planted outside, but the tubers need to be dug up and stored inside for winter. They like low sun or full shade and rich moist soil.